
Hi, this is Jing, a data scientist with great passion for data science and big data technology. I started my journey since 2016. Data science is intriguing but also very broad. To be able to explore and provide business values, certain skills and tools are needed and should be upgraded given the daily increasing size of the data and new demands from volatile market. During my journey, I have learned a lot in this field but meanwhile a lot of things are left behind as time goes by. Due to the fact that I have really bad memory and a personality that I always look forward and easily get excited or extracted by new things, I am writing this blog as a notebook for myself to achieve certain satisfaction. Meanwhile, I hope sharing this will also bring some values for people who are interested in learning in this field. When I run into problems, I have read and learned a lot from others blogs. So I wish my blogs will help you just like other blogs helped me!

Lastest blogs

  • A/B test: client side vs. server side.
    In the beginning, I didn’t pay much attention to how A/B test actually technically works as long as they meet my requirement listed below. As a result, our talented developers just built a simple traffic allocator for running A/B test in our server side. It worked and works really well in fact, but it slows down the product development pace at the same time since it took too much dev resources. Then I begin to look into how to run A/B test ‘properly ‘ .
  • Analyze the A/B test result for Product Optimization
    In this blog I want to share how I usually analyze the result for a Web experiment aka A/B test analysis. I will talk about what we need to measure for a test, what we need pay attention to and how we conclude on which one is a winner for this test.
  • A/B test for Product Optimisation
    In this blog, I am gonna to talk about what is AB test, why we need to do AB test and how the AB test works from a technical perspective.
  • How to A/B test different ideas on your website?
    The key to have a good idea to test is to have a lot of ideas. To be able to test an idea, a hypothesis is needed for starting an A/B test. In today’s blog I want to talk about hypotheses and prioritisation when you have a lot of ideas!
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